Getting Your Block Spring-Ready

Sinead Campbell from London Flats Insurance looks at ways you can get your block ready for spring.

After battening down the hatches for winter on a couple of short months ago, it’s now time to start planning for Spring. Now is a great time to get your ducks in a row and book in the contractors you need to make sure your residents can enjoy everything their block has to offer when the sun starts peeking through again.

We’ll be looking at giving both the inside and outside of your block a spring clean, as well as making the most of any gardens or communal facilities you oversee- and let’s not forget the importance of ensuring your facilities are covered by the best insurance policies for your block.

The Great Spring Clean

After the rain and mud and ice of winter, your block could be looking a bit worse for wear. Getting a full building clean booked in for early springtime can give your building the facelift it needs, as well as giving your residents a boost.

Consider a full pressure wash of the exterior once the weather has started looking up, and book in your window cleaner for a full spruce up. While you’re at it you can have the roofs, gutters and downpipes cleaned and checked for defects- they’ve worked hard in the recent wet weather!

Inside the building, a deep clean of the common areas (including carpet shampooing and possibly a lick of paint where needed) can really refresh the building and ensure resident satisfaction. If pets are allowed in your building or if pests have been a problem in the past, this may also be a good time to enact your pest control processes. Cleaning the inside of communal windows is also appreciated.

Inspections and Servicing

As boiler engineers are run off their feet during winter, now can be a better time to book in for a regular service of any HVAC systems you have in place. Correcting any issues now could save a lot of money and hassle when next winter creeps around.

If your building has a lift, you should make sure it’s being inspected as per the rules of LOLER. If it’s been a while since your last inspection or if you’re new to managing the building, now could be a great time to book in your inspection so it’s looked at in Spring and Autumn each year.

Any outdoor lighting may have been put through the mill in the wind and rain of the winter months. Checking each unit for functionality and signs of wear and tear now means less issues when their use is in demand next winter. Outdoor lighting is a health, safety and security issue, so best to keep on top of it.

Gardens and Outside Spaces

After the snow, ice, rain and wind we’ve had this year, it’s likely that your gardens and outdoor spaces are looking a little sad. Spring is a great time of year to spruce up your gardens as well as create pockets of outside space for residents to use throughout the summer.

For those with rooftop access, a garden space is relatively easy to create. You can install raised flower beds and use trellis walls to divide the space into smaller areas. It may be best to seek the advice of a professional when choosing which species to put where, as any plants you choose will be pretty exposed to the elements. Installing netting for vine plants to grow along can be a great solution; you can grow beans or peas while creating a natural shelter for the plants below.

The same applies for balconies- flower pots and balcony planters that fit over railings are great but make sure you’re using the best varieties for the conditions your space offers. If you’re making a flower bed, choose plants that bloom in complimentary colours and consider the shapes of the foliage for full effect. Place the tallest plants in the back of the box, a few on the sides, and let trailing plants dangle over the front of the box. If you don’t have gardens or balconies, hanging baskets are one of the easiest ways to fit in some greenery for your residents.

Hopefully you already have a fantastic groundskeeper who’s aware of what needs to be done in Spring, but here’s a few of the main jobs if you’d like to make yourself aware:

  • Flower beds should be defined
  • Grass should be weeded and fed (and cut in some areas)
  • Certain hedges and shrubs should be pruned
  • Spring bulbs should be planted (they should be also be allowed to die off naturally, as cutting these back too soon will stop them from flowering next year)
Sports Facilities

If your block is furnished with a gym, swimming pool or tennis courts, your residents a likely to be chomping at the bit to make use of them as they ‘spring’ into the new year.

Any indoor facilities will likely be in a good state as they’re used and cleaned year-round, but it’s still a good time to service any equipment, give the space a lick of paint and give everything a deep clean. Outdoor facilities are likely to have been left to languish in the rain, so a pressure wash and in-depth check-over are probably needed!

Car Parks

While the rest of the block gets a refresh, don’t forget your carparks. While you’re in cleaning and inspection mode, make sure your carparks get a once over. Check all gates and doors are in good working order, ensure any CCTV is functioning well and if your spaces could do with a repaint, now’s the time.

OZEV grants for EV charging facilities in blocks of flats were introduced in April 2022- if you’ve not yet taken advantage then you may want to consider applying. The funding can provide up to £30,000 per building towards the cost of installing charge points.


It’s always a good time to check your buildings, lift and facilities insurance policies. Re-read the wording and call your broker if you have any concerns that you could be underinsured or paying for more than you need.

You can find details of our policies here:

Our team have the experience and expertise to provide you with the best and most suitable insurance policy for your specific block of flats or apartments. We only provide insurance products for flats and apartments, it’s all we do, so you are assured of our full attention and best possible service.

Apologies if we’ve added to your already full to-do list, but all of the above can reduce stress and financial costs further down the line- as well as improving the saleability of your block and boosting resident satisfaction. Getting ahead of the game now will stand you in good stead for the year ahead.

For more information, please contact a member of the London Flats Insurance team on 020 7993 3034.

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